Frequently Asked Questions

Below you'll find many of the common questions we’ve been asked.
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Employer Saver

Employer FAQs

Can my company join the program before its required date?

You can join the program at any time. The required date or deadline, is the date by which you are required to register and facilitate the program or certify your exemption.

To get started, simply visit our sign-up page, then enter your EIN and Access Code. If you have not yet received a notification with your Access Code, you can request one by completing this form.

How Do I Contact Maryland Saves?

To contact support, please call (833) 811-7437 or email

Do employers have to sign their employees up for MarylandSaves?

NO, but MarylandSaves offers a way to meet the State’s requirement at no cost to employer. 

Under Maryland law, most* Maryland employers will soon be required to offer their employees some sort of retirement savings. This can be a traditional pension, a 401(k) plan, a 403(b) plan, a SEP plan, a SIMPLE IRA plan, a governmental deferred compensation plan — or a WorkLife Account from MarylandSaves. MarylandSaves is not an ERISA plan and does not offer the features of most ERISA plans. However, of these options MarylandSaves is the only one that doesn’t charge the employer a fee.

*This applies to businesses that have been in operation for at least 2 calendar years, have at least one W-2 employee, and use an automated payroll system.

What is considered to be a qualified, employer-sponsored retirement plan?

An employer-sponsored retirement plan includes a plan qualified under Internal Revenue Code sections 401(a) (including a 401(k) plan), qualified annuity plan under section 403(a), tax-sheltered annuity plan under section 403(b), Simplified Employee Pension plan under section 408(k), a SIMPLE IRA plan under section 408(p), or governmental deferred compensation plan under section 457(b). It does not include payroll deduction IRAs.

If I offer MarylandSaves to my employees now and then decide to offer a qualified retirement plan later, what do I do?

Employers that choose to introduce a qualified retirement plan after enrolling employees in the MarylandSaves program should contact our client services team at 1-833-811-7437 and request to “unregister.” Our team will then take you through the necessary steps. 

What if my payroll company won't help me administer MarylandSaves?

You can still offer MarylandSaves to your employees on your own with no complex administration — easily making it a part of your own payroll process. Watch this video to see how facilitating the program involves minimal steps and allows you to focus on your business.

See all 37 articles