Editing Payroll Setup After Initial Registration

During your initial registration, you defined the pay groups, along with the related pay schedule and frequency for your company. You also set funding methods for each pay group. 

This article will help you to understand how you may update pay groups and other payroll-related information after enrollment in the program.

From your home page, click on the "Contributions" icon to the left that looks like a hand with a coin.

  • To get to the "Payroll Setup" page, click on the "Gear"


  • From the "Payroll Setup" page, notice the following actionable features:
      • The "Edit" button associated with each Pay Group
      • The "How do you want to fund your pay group" dropdown for each Pay Group
      • The "Available Bank Account" selection and "Add another bank account" for Pay Groups set up to fund by Bank Account via ACH
      • The "Payment Method Instructions" button
      • The "Add Another Pay Group" button


  • When you click on the "edit" button, you may change your pay schedule name, schedule, or frequency or remove the Pay Group altogether.
      • Change your Pay Schedule using the dropdown arrow to select from seven different preset schedules, including "no regular schedule"
      • Depending on your selected Pay Schedule, you may be asked to provide additional information, like the day of the week or your next pay date, to help the system calculate your upcoming pay dates
      • You may also "Remove" a pay schedule if, for example, you no longer have multiple pay schedules. However, you must always have at least one pay schedule, even if it means you have selected the "no regular schedule" option
      • Be sure to click on "Save Pay Schedule" when you are donemceclip5.png
  • If you want to change the funding remittance method for an existing Pay Group,  click on the  "How do you want to fund your pay group?" dropdown arrow, and select your chosen payment method:
      • Bank Account via ACH
      • Paper Check
      • ACH Push 


  • For any Pay Group where the funding method is Bank Account via ACH, you may "Add another bank account"  or select from Available Bank Accounts if more than one is listed.
      • When  adding another bank account, be sure to select how you want to link your bank accounts and click "Continue"
      • If you have selected "Bank via ACH," reviewing this article may be helpful


  • For the "Add Another Pay Group" button, if you have employees on different pay schedules, you will need to submit separate payroll submissions.
      • Name your next pay group, such as hourly, salary, weekly, etc.
      • Select the pay schedule with the dropdown arrow
      • Be sure to click "Save Pay Schedule," which will turn blue when you have entered all of your information
      • Then select the appropriate funding method for this schedule


  • Looking for detailed payment instructions to remit contributions funds to your employees' IRA accounts? Click on the  "Payment Method Instructions" button, you will see additional information. Please note that the below image contains sample information; your company's specific remittance information will be shown on your employer portal.
